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2014.03.29 EFC PT Conference #01 (Acts 10 - Common Grace For Cornelius - Mark Marshall)
2014.03.29 EFC PT Conference #01 (Acts 10 - Common Grace For Cornelius - Mark Marshall)
2014.03.29 EFC PT Conference #02 (God Consciousness/Age of Accountability - Paul Schmidtbleicher)
2014.03.29 EFC PT Conference #02 (God Consciousness/ Age of Accountability - Paul Schmidtbleicher)
2014.03.29 EFC PT Conference #03 (Grace Begins & Ends With God - Wil Winter)
2014.03.29 EFC PT Conference #03 (Grace Begins & Ends With God - Wil Winter)
2014.03.29 EFC PT Conference #04 (Acts 11 - Common Grace Peter's Explanation - Mark Marshall)
2014.03.29 EFC PT Conference #04 (Acts 11 - Common Grace Peter's Explanation - Mark Marshall)
2014.03.29 EFC PT Conference #05 (The Law Is Instructive - Jonathan Meyer)
2014.03.29 EFC PT Conference #05 (The Law Is Instructive - Jonathan Meyer)
2014.03.29 EFC PT Conference #06 (How God Uses Law Enforcement - Ron McMurray)
2014.03.29 EFC PT Conference #06 (How God Uses Law Enforcement - Ron McMurray)
2014.03.29 EFC PT Conference #07 (Human Duress: Holy Spirit's Work - Bob Weslander)
2014.03.29 EFC PT Conference #07 (Human Duress: Holy Spirit's Work - Bob Weslander)
2014.03.29 EFC PT Conference #08 (DM2 - Tanny Sisson)
2014.03.29 EFC PT Conference #08 (DM2 - Tanny Sisson)
2014.03.29 EFC PT Conference #09 (Pastor Panel - Q and A)
2014.03.29 EFC PT Conference #09 (Pastor Panel - Q and A)
2014.03.30 EFC PT Conference #10 (Ephesians 2 - Common Grace Divine Plan - Mark Marshall)
2014.03.30 EFC PT Conference #10 (Ephesians 2 - Common Grace Divine Plan - Mark Marshall)
2014.03.30 EFC PT Conference #11 (The Law Is Punitive - Jonathan Meyer)
2014.03.30 EFC PT Conference #11 (The Law Is Punitive - Jonathan Meyer)
2014.03.30 EFC PT Conference #12 (Grace Ministry of Re-Grafting - Wil Winter)
2014.03.30 EFC PT Conference #12 (Grace Ministry of Re-Grafting - Wil Winter)