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2014.06.29 Baptism, Doctrine of #01 (Introduction)
2014.06.29 Baptism, Doctrine of #01 (Introduction)
2014.07.13 Baptism, Doctrine of #02 (Kinds of Baptism)
2014.07.13 Baptism, Doctrine of #02 (Kinds of Baptism)
2014.07.27 Baptism, Doctrine of #03 (Definition of Baptism)
2014.07.27 Baptism, Doctrine of #03 (Definition of Baptism)
2014.08.10 Baptism, Doctrine of #04 (Command to Baptize)
2014.08.10 Baptism, Doctrine of #04 (Command to Baptize)
2014.08.24 Baptism, Doctrine of #05 (Baptism of Jesus)
2014.08.24 Baptism, Doctrine of #05 (Baptism of Jesus)

2019.06.16 Communion, Doctrine of
2019.06.16 Communion, Doctrine of
2020.03.15 Communion (Lite)
2020.03.15 Communion (Lite)

2016.09.13 Grace Gospel Missions (Dan & Pat Hill)
2016.09.13 Grace Gospel Missions (Dan & Pat Hill)

2016.07.10 Five Cycles of Discipline (Enumerated)
2016.07.10 Five Cycles of Discipline (Enumerated)

2018.12.30 God's Unrepealable Promises #01
2018.12.30 God's Unrepealable Promises #01
2019.01.27 God's Unrepealable Promises #02 (Palestinic Covenant)
2019.01.27 God's Unrepealable Promises #02 (Palestinic Covenant)
2019.01.27 God's Unrepealable Promises #03 (Palestinic Covenant)
2019.01.27 God's Unrepealable Promises #03 (Palestinic Covenant)
2019.01.27 God's Unrepealable Promises #04 (Davidic Covenant)
2019.01.27 God's Unrepealable Promises #04 (Davidic Covenant)
2019.02.03 God's Unrepealable Promises #05
2019.02.03 God's Unrepealable Promises #05
2019.02.03 God's Unrepealable Promises #06
2019.02.03 God's Unrepealable Promises #06

2016.07.24 Pastoral Prescriptions #01
2016.07.24 Pastoral Prescriptions #01
2016.07.24 Pastoral Prescriptions #02
2016.07.24 Pastoral Prescriptions #02

2016.10.02 US Electoral College (Why Government?)
2016.10.02 US Electoral College (Why Government?)